SuperPack® - Light Subscription
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SuperPack®-Light is for sophisticated weather data users who require large volumes of high quality world wide data but who do not need the full-service provided under the standard SuperPack subscription.
  • SuperPack-Light is a corporate-wide subscription providing access to over 1,500 user-specified data sets chosen from over 20,000 data sets at zero marginal cost.
  • SuperPack-Light is appropriate for users in agriculture, energy and insurance.
  • SuperPack-Light dramatically simplifies the administration of your data needs. A single contract covers everything.
  • SuperPack-Light includes access to over 11,000 cleaned data sets and over 5,000 cleaned feeds as well as many thousands of official climate data sets
  • SuperPack-Light includes access to Speedwell suite of web-delivered data analysis and visualization tools including Data Viewer, Weather Index Cone, Monthly / Weekly value calculator, Statistics Extractor, Index Calculator, Actuals Vs. Climatology, Analogue Years...
  • SuperPack is a "living product" that is constantly growing and being updated. As additional data sets are sourced and processed they are added to the online inventory and made available to subscribers.


Data Sources

Speedwell has direct supply agreements with many National Meteorological Services worldwide allowing us to supply official climate data for countries.

Note: Due to data quality considerations, OUR DATA IS NOT DERIVED FROM THE US “GSOD” DATABASE..nor is our data simply a facsimile of the ISH archive as is the case with other providers. 
Click here for information about quality issues relating to GSOD

Global Data Coverage includes
world data
Albania Cyprus Israel Morocco Sri Lanka
Algeria Czech R. Italy Netherland Syria
Antarctica Denmark Jamaica New Zeal. Sweden
Argentina Egypt Japan Niger Switz.
Australia Estonia Kazak. Nigeria Taiwan
Austria Ethiopia Kenya Norway Tajikistan
Bangladesh Finland Korea S. Oman Tanzania
Barbados France Latvia Panama Thailand
Belarus Georgia Lebanon Pakistan Togo
Belgium Germany Lithuania Paraguay Trinidad
Belize Gibraltar Lux. Philippines Turkey
Benin Greece Macedonia Poland UK
Bosnia Greenland Malaysia PuertoRico Ukraine
Botswana Guatemala Maldives Romania USA
Brazil Honduras Mali Russia Uruguay
Bulgaria HongKong Malta Saudi Ar. Uzbekistan
Canada Hungary Mauritania Senegal Vietnam
Chile India Mauritius Serbia Zambia
China Indonesia Mexico Slovakia  
Columbia Iran Mongolia Slovenia  
Croatia Ireland Montenegro Spain  
Documents and Brochures
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Please contact us for more information.

Clicking the button below will take you to the Speedwell Map tool. This shows our primary archive of over 20,000 sites. All of these sites are available to SuperPack subscribers who can request delivery of multiple weather elements via FTP, via API or via ZE Group's ZEMA interface. Subscribers can also download data directly from the web site and access tools.

SuperPack subscribers also have access on a reasonable request basis to our secondary archive of over 100,000 weather stations world wide

Please note if you are not a subscriber, these functions will not be available. However, it is possible to see our primary archive as a non-subscriber. Data sets can be selected by choosing the groups on the left of the grid